![Shock Shock • <a style="font-size:0.8em;" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/65051383@N05/11532898175/" target="_blank">View on Flickr</a>](https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3792/11532898175_97c070b97e.jpg)
The storm continued through the day Friday with the ice ever increasing slowly due to a mix of spotty showers and rainy mist.
Then it happened... the vet called, it was 6:30PM and she said "you better come, Junior (our dog) isn't doing well". My girlfriend and I rushed down to the vet clinic, it was a complete shock. Earlier we had been told he was fine, the surgery went well and he was doing fine. Then hours later everything was upside down!
We stayed there all night Friday and soon the darkness turned into daylight as it became Saturday morning. Junior was doing better, he was conscious and acknowledging us. Then shortly after noon, everything went south, he was struggling to breathe, his organs were failing. He was sick, he was going to die and there was nothing anyone could do to save him.
He passed away around 12:35 that afternoon.
We were devastated, Jen was sick with grief and there I was, barely holding my composure, it was a mix of destitute anger towards the vet, grief from the loss and a bill that balloon into the $8000 range.
Junior was our child, he may have had 4 legs but we took him everywhere, even scheding vacations around him and Jen may as well have been his biological mother seeing the way she treated him.
Between grief and pure exhaustion, when Jen and I arrived home, we just collapsed. I was not heading out into the ice storm, checking data or doing anything weather related, I simply did not care.
I briefly somehow pulled my mind away from everything to take this photo and some distant transformers exploded. Just before I pressed the shutter button we lost power in the house.