Mark Robinson and I spent the better part of the afternoon waiting for initiation which never came. We agreed it was a bust and went our ways. Just as I started east along hwy 9 towards the 400 a developing tower to my north with faint echoes on radar caught my attention.
This is how I planned to document what was quickly turning into a bust, beautiful crepuscular rays in Orangeville
Surprised I was! What started as a faint echo over Georgian Bay quickly grew and morphed into a beautiful mothership of a supercell which I intercepted near Baxter, ON.
Words can't describe what was going through my mind! The structure was unreal, and winds were south-easterly veering to southerly before a dry but still warm RFD kicked passed.
The storm did briefly produce a well defined wall cloud, but more impressive was the notched out RFD cut at the back of the storm
Easily the best structure of the year so far in Ontario. I can't believe there was no significant severe weather. It was a great storm!
Here is the 9PM meso-analysis sounding for the nearest airport effected by the supercell, by this time the supercell was passing through Baxter and south of Borden
Here is the 8PM meso-analysis sounding for the nearest airport effected by the supercell
As the day went on the RAP model consistently increased the amount of surface energy present with shear and tornado indices increasing
This was the first RAP model I really dug deep into. Numerous key shear elements were coming together to make the day "interesting"