Surface analysis 21Z Mon Apr 1 2013

Looking at this photo it sure does not look like April 1st, and no this is not an April fool's joke I've concocted, it's a not a joke at all!
Mother nature decided that we've not had enough winter this year and it seems even with balmy days between they are simply teasers.
(There has been no Photoshop work done to this photo, it was taken purely using a Cokin graduated tobacco coloured filter)

My car (not visible but right of the frame) was actually partially blocking a lane. It was all fine and dandy since there was no traffic and this snow was low drifting stuff.
Then just as a few cars came into view the wind started blasting and the drifting snow became a low visible wall of white a few feet tall. It was more than tall enough to shroud my car from any unsuspecting drivers so I made haste and got out of here as quickly as I could!

I'm not sure if the municipalities or province for that matter still has any salt in reserves. Whatever the case, this highway was just glazed over! I almost wiped out just stepping foot outside of my car!
April 1st huh? Sure feels like I'm north of the Arctic Circle, not north of Orangeville.

This is the 0 visibility stuff blowing where I was parked.
Yeah, not a good idea!

There were tons of little snow devils (vorticity pockets known correctly as eddies) dancing around in the fields. Unfortunately, what looked cool to my eye looked like crap to my camera.
But for the record, you can see the winds and squalls made things nasty in these exposed places.

Here are some of the cellular convective snow squalls heading southeast into the Greater Toronto Area (I'm looking southwest).
Some of the tops on these squalls must have been pretty high but I did not see any lightning returns on any of my services.
(Again no Photoshop, just that Cokin Tobacco filter)

Yeah, the car was clean! I decided after the fact this was a bad idea, seeing as I was actually getting dirty!
Note to self, don't unnecessarily go out of the way to drive through snow squalls when the car is clean!

No rainbows here, but the convective lake effect snow bands were so cellular in nature that you could literally be under a clear sky above while all around you snow is pouring down.

Just to illustrate the point.

This was highway 10 just north of Mono, as you can see this looks it typically does in the period between late November and early March.
It sure is cruel to have it look like this in April, it's simply not funny!