Posts By Tom

May 24th 2014 – Tornado Alley – Day 8

Supercell -Carlsbad, NM

My target today did not pan out and I was stuck between heading south into Texas or racing back way north into New Mexico. On top of that my hotel room was booked in Hobb, NM so I was stuck! Then in the evening storm formed rapidly and began to move towards Carlsbad NM. I raced over for some lightning photos.

Supercell -Carlsbad, NM Supercell -Carlsbad, NM

These dry supercell do produce nice lightning but an elevated cloud deck was sort of obscuring the view.

Supercell -Carlsbad, NM

I was able to see the base of one of the storm cells nicely though and it had some great looking structure! Too bad these storms waited soo long to initialize.Supercell -Carlsbad, NM


Even in New Mexico, the land of barren desert a pole, tree and other obstacle can find their way into a photo! Actually, it was hard to find good places along the roadway to stop!

May 23rd 2014 – Tornado Alley – Day 7

We started the morning off in Pueblo, CO and headed south to New Mexico after a quick oil change. The km’s are really starting to get up there! We ran into a storm just north of Walsenburg, Colorado.

Rye, Colorado

Even more impressive than the storm, was the landscape in extreme Southern Colorado where you can feel the prairie grassland of the front range about to give way to the scrubby desert environment. The storms, couples with the colours and contrasts created by the mountains is beautiful.

Rye, ColoradoGreenhorn, Mountain - Colorado

I found it fitting that a UPS truck happened to go whizzing past, I guess these couriers really do deliver everywhere!

Rye, Colorado

Just outside of town, we punched the backside of the storm and found ourselves pelted with small hail. These storms were super slow moving, and hail was piling into drifts everywhere and flooding out the interstate.

Hailstorm Colorado Hail Storm Colorado

Once past the storm (which was fun to drive through) we stopped to watch it slowly roll out over the open landscape. I saw a couple chasers blast up a dirt road behind it but with the flash flooding and poor road network it was probably better to just let this one go.

Bye Bye Storm

Further down the road, it was amazing to see how the landscape transitioned, literally over the course of a few miles from alpine forest, to a dead drought stricken forest in a rain shadow and then instantly into a sprawling desert environment just over the New Mexico border. I’ll net get used to how quickly these environments change!

Colfax County, NM
Raton, NMMaxwell NM

What is nice with the downslope side of mountains/hills and other things is that you get wicked gas mileage. I was probably getting closer to 200 MPG but the computer tops out at 99, I was basically idling as gravity was doing all the work.

Good Gas MileageWhile at a service center a healthy storm literally formed out of nothing to our immediate east near Maxwell, NM. The only real problem was that the road network sucked and we could not get up under the cell.
Maxwell NM Maxwell, NM

For a while it looked to gave good potential.

Maxwell NM Maxwell NM

Every now and then a little shear pocket would develop and a small area of scud would tighten up and begin rotating into a funnel like tip and then it would loose the upward energy and that was it. After watching the storm cell for a few hours we let it go and headed into town.


Again, the geography of the landscape is just fascinating to me!


Here is the Maxwell storm cell from the south looking north.

Mosquero, NM

We drove through several small towns, but New Mexico is really a barren state, a little like North Dakota. The distances between civilization can be pretty big at times!
Weathered Stone Weathered Stone Weathered Stone Geographic Feature

Again, more awesome geography!

Vast OpenessThis was the dead zone, all desert, no civilization, no services for 150 miles.

Alright off to bed!


May 22nd 2014 – Tornado Alley – Day 6

Today was one of those hard to call days! There was definitely potential in the Texas Panhandle, which was a 5 hour drive from Limon, CO but there was also good potential just outside of Denver which was only 45 minutes away.

Meteorologists refer to a phenomenon called the DCVZ, or Denver Convergence Vorticity Zone, basically it the area where the upsloping easterly winds meet the downsloping winds from the mountains along an area known as the Palmer divide.

This naturally occurring orographic phenomenon exists about 33% of the time when thunderstorms are present east of the Denver front range.

The idea was to play this 150 mile area where landspouts and other spinups are common as opposed to the deeper convection in Texas which was far less organized.
HRRR DenverSurface AnalysisI do miss a good Texas Panhandle storm, sometimes referred to as Cap Rock magic where the same upsloping easterly winds meet the New Mexico dryline in far west Texas and you get monster storms forming. Unlike Colorado however, there is no front range in Texas to so the orographic features don’t exist and that means if the upper dynamics are not present, your just going to have a big messy storm with lots of big hail.

Time, space and probabilities made my decision.
Storm Developing - Byers, COStorm Developing - Byers, CO

After getting delayed in Limon, CO (visa card scare that was nothing) I headed to Bennett, CO to catch some rapidly developing storms. Initially the weak storms looked poor then burst into action with 2.5 inch hail as a boundary surged north.

Unfortunately, this boundary also led to the storms demise as the shear vectors coupled with the 500mb flow meant the storms just became a big mess.

Flash Flooding - 15th Ave, Arapahoe County, COFlash Flooding - 15th Ave, Arapahoe County, CO

What was impressive was the flash flooding. I’m not sure why this happens, but all over the plains flash flooding is a real problem and it gets worse as the elevation goes up. I’m not sure if the soil just can’t absorb the water or the little tributaries that litter the landscape in Southern Ontario just don’t exist in the same capacity across the plains?

Whatever the case, this storm was a light sprinkle by Southern Ontario standard, some 20-30mm of rain in an hour, yet flooding was occurring across Colorado.Flash Flooding - 15th Ave & Old Victory Rd, Arapahoe County, CO

The “Turn Around Don’t Drown” slogan seems to be unheeded much of the time and it’s not just a Colorado thing, it happens everywhere. People seem to always want to test the waters which is fine when you make it across but, you never know how deep the water is and a misguided assumption can become a real problem quickly.

Flash Flooding - 15th Ave & Old Victory Rd, Arapahoe County, CO

This underpass rain bridge had torrents of water passing through yet some people still attempted to make it across! Insane! Chunks of mud, grass and others things were being washed away with the flash flooding that seemed to come out of nowhere!

NWS Denver Radar - Jefferson County, CO

Once the storms died down we made our way towards Denver, CO to see the city. On the way over we passed the Denver NWS Radar, Jen snapped this photo at 75 MPH.

Interstate 70 West - Jefferson County, CO

Our jont into Metro Denver along I-70 West during the 6PM rush hour was probably not a great idea but I did not mind some traffic slowdowns and Jen suggested we keep going west to see the mountains and I thought, why not? The GPS decided to detour us, through the downtown core! It actually turned out to be a nice scenic drive through the heart of the city. We eventually passed through the core and worked our way back onto I-70 West and into the hills!

Lookout Mountain - Golden, CO

We found ourselves at a scenic lookout called “Lookout Mountain”, it was gorgeous and these “hills” were massive, way bigger than anything in the Appalachians.

Lookout Mountain - Golden, COLookout Montain - Golden, CO

The afternoon sun was initially shrouded by cirrus clouds from the earlier convection and remnants working in from New Mexico, but eventually the even sun was able to sneak out from under the clouds and the landscape was just majestic! Snow capped peaks, sprawling pine forests and clouds creeping over the mountains, amazing.

Deer Grazing - Golden, CODeer Staring - Golden, CO

Deer were also plentiful, a little too plentiful for my liking. This herd was just grazing beside the road to the lookout pint and had no fear as I walked up to grab these photos.

Radio Towers - Golden, CO

We finally worked out way back down towards Denver to start the trip south towards New Mexico. Everything was going well until…

Road CLosure - Fatal Accident 87 SOuth Fountain Valley, CO
We ran into a fatal collision on 85/87 South in Fountain Valley, near Pikes Peak. Someone on a motorcycle collided with a stopped truck and ugh.. the rest is history. We were stuck in the backlog for an hour, so I decided to call it a night. I had Jen quickly call a hotel in Pueblo, CO which was about 35 km to our south. We had a scenic back road 11PM tour of the countryside and finally landed at the hotel around 11:35PM.

We’re calling it a night and will continue the trip through New Mexico tomorrow into Texas. I’ll let you know if we spot any UFO’s!!

May 21st 2014 – Tornado Alley – Day 5

Welcome To Nebraska


Today we said goodbye to Nebraska. Based on the upcoming pattern we will likely be more into the southern plains in the coming days so I probably won’t be back this year.

Welcome To Colorful Colorado

But on the other hand we said hello to Colorado! In this area Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, Texas and even far western Oklahoma all share very similar geography. On average your 1500 meters of more above sea level and the environment is very dry. Today however with the easterly upslope winds dew points were able to get up to around 55F/13C which might be dry by eastern standards where the terrain is only 200 – 500 metes ASL, but in the high country that’s super wet!

Denver SupercellDenver Supercell Wall Cloud & CoreWall Cloud Fingers - Bennett, Co


Just as the 4km WRF-NAM and 12Z HRRR had predicted, a supercell storms quickly developed around 2:30PM over top of Denver. The storm rapidly began to rotate and drift east. It quickly produce a menacing wall cloud with rain curtain wrapping from behind. There were all sorts of scud fingers reaching down, some exhibiting rotation. A tornado was reported by a spotter however no one has been able to confirm this.

Denver Supercell Wrapping - Bennett, CoNew Wall Cloud - Bennett, Co


As the storm continued east, the wall cloud structure rapidly began to tighten up. At one point it looked like the storm was going to produce a tornado. The gate to gate shear over the Denver radar was around 100 knots! It was cranking and slowly drifting towards Jen and I at a snails pace.

Ground Hugging Wall Cloud - Bennett, Co

The wall cloud eventually began to really hug the ground! Around the time this photos was taken, inflow was racing into the storm at around 30 mph / 48 kph. The wind was just feeding in and thunder bolts were crashing with a low roaring sound every couple seconds. I also ran into Chris Kridler and her chase partner. I’ve been a longtime fan her of her website and it was a pleasure to meet her!

Storm Cycling - Byers, CO

I repositioned to avoid getting cored (hit with the bad part of the storm) and stopped on a relatively quiet country road. Within maybe 5 – 10 minutes it was lined with chasers! Then Mark Robinson and several other chasers which I knew pulled up. I also met Jaclyn Whittal from The Weather Network in person. Talk about a chaser convergence. By this point the storm had lost much of it’s structure and was in the process of replacing it’s mesocyclone.

Doppler On Wheels - Bennett

Our meet and greet was short lived since the storm began to morph again. I raced down the road and back to a main east-west highway. By this point the road was lined with locals, chasers, tour groups, spotters and even scientific research teams. I ran into one of the DOW’s (doppler on wheels). They had 3 trucks, but now they may have 4 or 5, I’m really not sure, but either way I did see one of them and jumped out to take this photo.

Second Wall Cloud - Byers, CoIntense Rotation - Byers, Co

After grabbing my photo of the DOW I raced east and pulled over several miles from the storm. I immediately started shooting video. I knew the storm was rapidly intensifying before I even pulled over, wind gusts were buffeting my car and small hordes of tumble weed were rolling across the road towards the storm, a sure sign of strong inflow. The wall cloud now began to rapidly rotate and lower towards the ground. Again at times it appeared to really try to hug the ground. It was pretty amazing to see this type of a hybrid, almost high precipitation storm in such a dry environment.

Abandoned Homestead - U.S 71, Washington County, CoAbandoned Chicken Coop - U.S 71, Washington County, Co

Eventually the storm was eaten by a line of garbage that rolled up from the south (again, exactly as predicted by the HRRR) and our chase was done for the day. We stopped along US 71 in Washington County on our way to Limon and grabbed some photos of this cool abandoned homestead. Once in Limon we were able to grab the very last room (the honeymoon suite ironically) at the Quality Inn. Talk about chasers, I think everyone chasing the storm is in this tiny Colorado Town and we all literally overran the local bar and grill which had wonderful food. 

As for tomorrow, we’ll see, I’m looking at a Kansas play and then probably the Texas Panhandle come Friday. The weekend, looks like a classing southern plains day! Looks like 330 miles to any potential target tomorrow in Kansas and then another 350 miles to the Panhandle for Friday.

May 20th 2014 – Tornado Alley – Day 4

We started the day where we left off in Ogallala, NE. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired saying this towns name, Ogallala or as Jen and I have renamed it, Ogallalalala. Mansion On The Hill - Ogallala, NE We started off by doing a bit of sight seeing in the town. Our first stop after breakfast was this old Mansion on the Hill Museum. A turn of the century farm house, that was lavishly decorated by 1890’s standards. Boot Hill - Ogallala. NE Boot Hill - Ogallala, NE A little further down the road we visited Boot Hill, a cemetery filled with unknown graves. Back in the 1860’s and 1870’s cow hands, bandits, law men and others found themselves on the wrong side the gun and many were buried here in this wild-west cemetery. Store Fronts - Ogallala, NE Museum - Ogallala NE Front Street Cafe - Ogalla, NE Back in town we visited the Front Street row of business where we ate lunch, visited a museum with some interesting artifacts and planned for our up and coming storm chase! After all, we had lots of time to kill while the atmosphere baked. US 26 - Blue Creek, Garden County, NE Rock - Broadwater, NEChimney Rock What’s fascinating about Nebraska, and many other states which sit on the front range, a sort of geographic plateau where the land rises about 1000 – 1500 meters above sea level, is how diverse the geography really is. The front range suddenly rises, then flattens out into gentle rolling hills and large open plains. You can have pancake like flatness as far as the eye can see and then you’ll suddenly run into amazing hills, canyons and gorges with amazing rock formations. I first encountered this diverse landscape in the Texas Panhandle, specifically the Cap Rock, which shares the same type of geography as Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming. Even while I was actively heading towards the storms, Jen and I had to stop and take some photos of these wonderful rock structures. Grass Fire - Lisco, NE We also passed a controlled burn, but I was pretty sure it was one of those controlled burns, that was becoming a little uncontrolled if you know what I mean. Southern Supercell Wall Cloud - Scotts Bluff CountyNorthern Supercell - Scotts Bluff County   The pair of supercells crossing the border from Wyoming into Nebraska finally came into view near Scottsbluff. The southern storm has the illusion of a ground hugging wall cloud thanks to a little hill while the northern storm had a very cold and elevated look to it with tons of low level dust being kicked up. Neither storm looked all that threatening and the rotation with both storms remained broad never really tightening up. Scotts Bluff National MonumentNorthern Supercell - East Bayard, NE Chimney Rock - East Bayard, NESouthern Storm - East Bayard, NE As both storms tracked east-southeast paralleling U.S Route 92 they passed through Scotts Bluff National Monument Park. The storms, against the towering bluffs made for some impressive high contrast photos, the kind of stuff you don’t normally see! The southern cell also produced a little inflow area with low hanging scud right above the Chimney Rock Monument. Just gorgeous stuff to see! Broadwater, NE - Sunset Storm Both storms did hold on for a while but eventually as the evening took over and the airmass cooled they lost their energy. The southern cell became very linear and blew out while the northern cell, shriveled up died. The southern storm cell did produce a very pretty sunset image with a plethora of wispy rain. Outflow Dust - US 385, Morrill County, NEUp under the storm it was packing some 40 MPH winds and kicked up some dust in a field just to my east. I was looking but saw no rotation above, so I would not even call this a gustnado feature. Lightning - East Camp Clark, NEThe storm did produce a fair bit of lightning and I was able to grab this evening lightning photo. It’s not easy to shoot lightning when the daylight over powers the flashes but this one turned out! We’re now spending the night in Sidney, NE seeing as tomorrow looks like an interesting day across northeastern Colorado! Stay turned!

May 19th 2014 – Tornado Alley – Day 3

I’m exhausted, but it was great day! Targeted far western Nebraska, and took my time. The forecast was perfect!

Pony Trail Hut


Jen and I visited the first Pony Trail station and one of the last remaining structures still standing from this era when the west was still wild.

Early SettlementBadland Terrain

We also found ourselves in the Ash Hollow State Park which showcased some of the first and last remaining pioneer structures. It also helped to showcase the amazing terrain in this part of the country where vast plains give way to amazing cliffs and hills.

Supercell near Birdgeport NE

Later in the day, around 5PM the first really organized supercell began to work its way into western Nebraska from Colorado. It was a beautiful storm but high based.

Cheyenne County Supercell

A second more powerful supercell developed in Colorado and tracked into Cheyenne County, Nebraska. This was the storm of the day, it had amazing suface interaction with a wicked 55MPH RFD kicking up dust and hail to the size of gold balls and bigger.

Cheyenne County Supercell

It sure did try and produce a sustained wall cloud like structure but the low levels were still fairly dry. Needless to say, the structure was gorgeous.

Cheyenne County SupercellIt lasted well into the evening producing a wonderful lightning display! Eventually we tucked into Ogallala, NE for the night.

Tomorrow is a another day and I’ll keep you posted!



May 18th 2014 – Tornado Alley – Day 2

La Quinta, Peru IL


Well, it was another day of driving! We woke up in Peru, IL and started our slow journey west. I knew the storms this afternoon were a long shot, I still targeted them but after stops and eating they were definitely out of range.

Entering Iowa


Driving across Illinois was quick, but driving across Iowa, it felt like that state would never end. I don’t know what it is, but every single time I have driven across Iowa it has just felt like an endless drive and this was no different!

Des Moines


Jen grabbed this shot of Des Moines as we scooted around the city on the beltway and continues along I-80 west.

Gas Prices


The good thing about going west, aside from the storms, is that gas prices seem to keep falling endlessly. It was initially $3.90 a gallon in Michigan but this turned to $3.70 and eventually $3.49. Now in Nebraska, it’s down to around $3.30 a gallon, which you just can’t beat!

Iowa Bluffs


Another interesting tidbit about Iowa and many places in the great plains of the central interior of North America is that the land varies in diversity of plant life and geology greatly. In some areas it’s flat as a pancake, you can see for miles, in other places, you have large gently rolling hills and then of course there are those places where chasing is almost impossible!

While Iowa is certainly good chase territory, for the most part, it’s not flat, it’s pretty much rolling hills straight through, it’s not until you get to Nebraska in the west or Illinois in the east that the terrain really levels out.

Omaha, NE


Here’s a quick shot showing Omaha, NE as we zipped by! Jen was busy taking photos to keep herself occupied.Entering NebraskaAnd finally, the welcome to Nebraska sign.

So that’s all tonight, tomorrow it looks like it’ll be a western target again! We’ll probably be somewhere on the Colorado/Wyoming/Nebraska border chasing some big supercells in the high country!

May 17th 2014 – The Trip Down – Day 1

Well it was a long drive but I’ve managed to knock about 1200km off the trip out of 2200km total.

Tomorrow looks blah, only risk looks to be western Montana which is a little out of my current range. We’ll just have to position in Kansas for the Monday action.


We’re currently spending the night in Peru, IL. It’s a good landing spot, a relatively large town with a Verizon store. I’ll need to make a landing there tomorrow and pickup my WiFi hotspot. Did I mention the IHOP is walking distance?

Earlier in the evening Jen had her first real taste of the truckers life. She’s a bit of a picky eater so you can image she was a little out of her element, finding a healthy salad is harder when your driving long distances and hitting truck stops than you can image!


She was able to find some food at a buffet in Kalamazoo, MI but I’m sure it’ll become harder as we keep pushing west.


The GPS also had a bit of a hiccup, I guess after 1000km it decided the shortest distance was a straight line, even if it meant I had to drive off road and through buildings lol.

Stay tuned, we’ll be back on the road tomorrow morning!

May 17th 2014 – The Trip Down – Day 1

Well it was a long drive but I’ve managed to knock about 1200km off the trip out of 2200km total.

Tomorrow looks blah, only risk looks to be western Montana which is a little out of my current range. We’ll just have to position in Kansas for the Monday action.


We’re currently spending the night in Peru, IL. It’s a good landing spot, a relatively large town with a Verizon store. I’ll need to make a landing there tomorrow and pickup my WiFi hotspot. Did I mention the IHOP is walking distance?

Earlier in the evening Jen had her first real taste of the truckers life. She’s a bit of a picky eater so you can image she was a little out of her element, finding a healthy salad is harder when your driving long distances and hitting truck stops than you can image!


She was able to find some food at a buffet in Kalamazoo, MI but I’m sure it’ll become harder as we keep pushing west.


The GPS also had a bit of a hiccup, I guess after 1000km it decided the shortest distance was a straight line, even if it meant I had to drive off road and through buildings lol.

Stay tuned, we’ll be back on the road tomorrow morning!

May 8th 2014 – Forecast Outlook

It’s that time of year when the chase trip begins to come into model range. Usually, I like to base my trip on statistics and the last 10 – 15 years have been pretty consistent with the 17th through 30th producing a plethora of severe weather and the week of the 20th through 25th just going bonkers.

Severe weather peaking over Oklahoma in mid-late May

Severe weather peaking over Oklahoma in mid-late May

The climate data for severe weather of any sort peaks during May with the most reports for all sorts of weather coming in between the 10th and 30th and the bulk of the severe weather is concentrated in the southern plains specifically affecting central Oklahoma.

Tornado weather peaking across the Texas panhandle into central Oklahoma though mid - late May.

Tornado weather peaking across the Texas panhandle into central Oklahoma though mid – late May.

Similarly, violent tornadoes are statistically prevalent through late April and all of May with the peak occurring between the 10th of May and 31st. This map, which looks at the latter half of the month shows that the peak areas are again the Texas Panhandle stretching back into central Oklahoma.

In all my years of chasing this absolutely holds true with late May never failing to producing at least three of four violent tornado outbreaks before June.

ECMWF Weekly Ensembles

A composite chart showing various times from the 18th through 22nd (Days 10-15).

A composite chart showing various times from the 18th through 22nd (Days 10-15).

The problem with using statistics is that they change over time and there is nothing concrete that says just because this has happened 100 times in the past, it’ll happen again this year. Sure, statistically the odds are highly in favour of that type of an outcome but there is never a guarantee.

So I’m always eager to see what the long range models hint at when the storm chase vacation period comes into their reach.

This year, the ECMWF operational which is in good agreement with many of it’s ensemble partners is suggest a relatively active pattern from the 18th onward which looks to reset towards the end of the forecast period (May 22nd) and re-load for another going around on the 23rd or 24th.

It’s always hard to say exactly what that troughing means, all I can say is that the pattern has a number of shortwave and long wave troughs which appear to be associated with deepening and eventually maturing low pressure systems.

How these troughs play out and what type of weather they generate is always a bit of a mystery until it actually happens or at least is within range of the short range models.

The key for me here really is that I’m looking for things I don’t want to see, specifically ridges of high pressure which cap the atmosphere, block the jet stream and provide plenty of boring blue sky. No matter how you slice a ridge, the end result is pretty much the same, so a lack of ridging in essence is far better to see than tons of toughing alone.

Right now, the forecast is very optimistic and it’s look like a very active chase is on tap! I’ll be sure to keep an eye on things as the 15th of May draws closer!

May 4th 2014 – Tornado Alley Preparations

Tornado Alley 2014

The chase is quickly approaching! Another year and another visit to the southern plains is on hand to witness some of natures most awesome displays of power.

With chase preparations stepping into high gear, I’ll be updating this website regularly.

I’ve been adding items to the “chase gear” section, slowly rebuilding sections of the old site with the new format.

Canon 5D Mark III

Canon 5D Mark III


Sony HDR CX700V

FS-CF Pro Strapped

Canon XHA1

Left Side - Canon T4i + Rode VideoMic GO

Canon T4i/650D

Other News

I’ll be adding information about more of my gear as time permits, expanding the live chase section, adding other components such as widgets, maps and forecasts in addition to live chase-blog section.

Remember, you can also follow me on twitter @vaughanweather

Sony HDR-CX700V

The Sony HDR-CX700V is my permanent dash camera, it’s a small, versatile and highly controllable camcorder that records to SD cards in full HD using the AVCHD codec. The only problem I’ve run into with the setup is that the cameras get’s a bumping noise in the audio from components shaking, the only real way around this I’ve found is to use a shotgun mic to get above the camera. Seeing as audio is not absolutely critical, the Bower Electret Condenser Microphone was perfect and the price was right at $30 dollars. Despite looking like a shotgun microphone it’s really a wide-angle stereo system that just pretends to be a shotgun mic.

All my vehicle setups are temporary and removable. I do this for simplicity and theft deterrence. To mount the camera I use a Manfrotto Magic Arm with a suction cup mount. Manfrotto has long since updated and changed their design for both components but the system as a whole I acquired back in 2002 and it has been very reliable with no major problems.

The tripod head I’ve mounted to the magic arm is a Manfrotto three position photo head. Because the road is never level and often ditches have a considerable slant to them, this head allows me to quickly tilt the camera and regain level. It’s also compact and robust.


Canon 5D Mark III

The big kahuna in my camera arsenal is the Canon 5D Mark III packing 23 megapixels and 14 stops of range. It’s a beautiful pro camera that shoots to both SD and CF cards and sports advanced control functions and other features as well as superb noise handling into very high ISO ranges.

The other item that is almost always attached to the 5D Mark III when I don’t need a flash is my Canon GP-E2 GPS receiver. The GPS unit is very quick to acquire signal, establish a location down to within a couple meters, indicate shooting direction with the built in compass and automatically set the date and time in the camera so it is always precise.

Canon XH-A1

The Canon XHA1 is the oldest professional or semi-professional gear that I own. The kit itself was built in early 2008 using the Rode NTG2 shotgun mic, Sennheiser EW100 ENG lavaliere and hand mic kit plus numerous lights / hot shoe kits, braces etc.

At the time this was a $7000 kit that I used extensively for freelance work. I could have saved $4000 and gone down the DV path but high definition was just coming into the mainstream markets and SD was going the way of the dinosaur.

My commercial Sony Betacam SX was a superior camera in terms of low light abilities and had better chroma depth but the XH-A1 blew it clean out of the water with resolution and detail. Anything shot in HD on the A1 which was down sampled to DV/480i killed any video shot in SD.

So at the time (circa 2008), it was well worth it to make the jump and this camera is still a wonderful tool!

Unfortunately, it remains a tape driven system predating mobile SD/CF SSD recording. The resulting tape driven HDV video is far less robust than DV and frame/video dropout is a real risk.

Since the Canon XH-A1 (first gen) remains a good versatile camera which I still use, breathing new life into the old tape driven system was a necessary function to avoid dropout and magnetic head wear.

The solution was to introduce a DTE firewire recorder. This solved the risk of tape dropout with blazing fast CF transfers, so no more real-time slow capturing or magnetic head wear.

The camera is now paired up with the Canon FS-CF Pro by Vitec for solid state recording and a Manfrotto MVH500A fluid head with the MVT502AM tripod body.

Demo video showing the system in use


Windows Tablet

Windows 8.1 – Dell Tablet

I’ve always been a big fan mobile computing, it just makes things easier! That’s of course not to say that I don’t like desktop systems, I do all my heavy editing and the bulk of my general work on my desktop.  Heck, a couple years ago I even went all out and put together a top of the line gaming PC (now my desktop), not just because I like video games but because they’re the most capable systems. If it can handle the intense needs of video games, it can certainly edit video, process radar data and render weather models.

The problem with storm chasing is all the driving around and vehicles in general do not afford you the space you really need. In the past, storm chasers have built PC’s into they’re center consoles and mounted screens with the advent of affordable LCD flat panel technology (early 2000’s). While that works, and may save some space, you still have substantial power requirements and theft deterrence measure can be hard to implement.

For most storm chasers laptops were and still are the way to go. With a high-end laptop you can do everything your desktop can, albeit slower. The problem with laptops are that they trade-off space for usability with a big keyboard.  Before the advent of tablets, my netbook was my go to tool, it could handle (albeit very slowly) various Windows applications and it worked in a small form factor.

Since those good old netbook days back in 2008/2009 modern tablet computers have come a long way. Between the advent of the iPad and later Android tablets, things have improved and evolved to the point where dedicated applications such as RadarScope and PYKL3 Radar have rivaled on a basic level Gibson Ridge products.

But let me stress, rivaled, not replaced. Nothing on a tablet of any kind can truly replace radar software in a desktop environment. What is nice about iPad and Android radar applications is how easy and natural they feel to use, plus you can control everything with one hand, no need for a mouse, touch pad or keyboard. I remember back in 2004, a Windows XP Tablet/Slate was around $11,000, heavy and did not support multi-touch input, only stylus and limited finger input. Not worth the price, trouble and limited computing power.

Start Menu

Now, fast forward to yesterday, April 21st 2014. In my hunt for a cheap shotgun style microphone for one of my camcorders I came across this Dell Tablet in Best Buy known as the Venue 8 Pro. What makes this significant is this is the first good Windows Tablet capable of running 32 bit programs in a native windows environment, and I mean full Windows, none of that RT/Metro garbage, but a full desktop for $300 after tax. To this point, everything else was $600 or more for the full 32/64 bit processing, and even the $400 tablets were often RT only.

Dell Tablet 1

Now I don’t plan on doing any word processing or actual production work despite having a full windows system at my disposal but rather, this is ideal for running applications like RAOB, GrLevel2AE/3, F5 Data and Bufkit. It also solves the Android/iPad problem of jumping between applications since you have full traditional multitasking within the task bar. That means you can use your web browser without leaving the radar application to hang.

Dell Tablet GR2AE

Above all else, the form factor is perfect, it’s not tiny but it’s not a big 12 inch tablet either. It’s comfortable around 9 inches and perfect for the chase, enough processing power to run Gr2AE with natural touch controls and it only requires 5 volts at 2 amps for a draw of 10 watts, that’s a far cry from most laptops which at a bare bones minimum require 18 watts or more.

So there it is, the first real laptop substitute at an affordable price point which is perfect for storm chasing with all your favorite windows applications.

Dell Screenshot


A couple other points to stress, firstly this tablet perfectly fits any Ram universal tablet mounting tray and secondly, it uses a standard micro-USB adapter so cables and charges are not proprietary and/or difficult to find. It also sports a micro-SD slot which can apparently handle up to 128 GB cards. That’s overkill if you ask me, all I need is 4 gigs for all my apps/storage but I’ll take whatever I can get, more is better!

Here are some more images for your viewing pleasure. Once the tablet is mounted, I’ll post those images too!

T4i Still Photo & Video Gear

Canon T4i/650D + Rode VideoMic GO & E-image EI-7050H / AT7402B Tripod Kit

The Canon T4i / 650D is a wonderful camera, it’s a cropped sensor DSLR but it’s the best cropped sensor camera in Canon’s lineup. The T5i is basically a carbon copy with an adjusted auto focus mechanism. I was given this camera as a gift by my girlfriend in December 2012. I decided to make this camera multi-use since it works well as both a photo camera and camcorder.

T4i Video Setup

Canon T4i ready to shoot video

Most still photographer who jump into video sort of wander into it blindly. It’s easy to take great still photos once you master exposure, composition and depth-of-field. The same basic rules apply to video, except you need to think not just seconds, but sometimes minutes or hours into the future. You also require fluidity in motion and sound, two things that still photography does not require.

Left Side - Canon T4i + Rode VideoMic GO

Left side profile of the Canon T4i with the Rode VideoMic GO and 3.5mm stereo mic jack connected.

In general, DSLR’s take great video, but they are terrible video cameras! To make a DSLR a video camera you need to spend money and you’ll probably spend just as much or more on accessories to turn it into a camcorder as you would spend to buy a high end camcorder that’s ready to go out of the box. In my case, I already had the camera and tripod. What I was lacking was a good microphone. Generally speaking Rode and Sennheiser produce some of the best microphones which are affordable. I’ve never had an issue with any of their products whether commercial grade gear or prosumer products.

Naturally I did not want to spend $250 on a good microphone, but I was able to find the Rode VideoMic GO for $99 after tax. This microphone is not only a great deal, but it’s a standard size so accessories such as fur covers are easy to come by. The mic itself also does not require power, most other units require phantom power of some sort whether external or internal.

Rode VideoMic GO

Rode VideoMic GO with its floating suspension system to prevent noise

My initial tests results are very positive, no strange noises, buzzing or popping from bad grounds and the microphone is sensitive with a range of -50dB to +15dB without distortion until after +12dB. So basically you could stand beside a jet engine and still get pretty good results. The unit comfortably sits in the cameras hotshoe and uses a male to male 3.5mm stereo microphone jack.  Rode has also introduced new floating mic technology where the shotgun sort of floats. This is nice since with traditional grip/clasp mounts noise can be introduced through vibration.

Water Level

E-image bowl mounted tripod head with quick set water level and pan locking screw.

Moving on, the tripod I chose to use was my E-Image EI-7050H / AT7402B Tripod Kit. Generally speaking, E-Image is a discount brand, they’re not great but they’re not terrible either. My only real criticism with this tripod is that the fluid head is not very smooth in vertical up and down tilting but it’s very smooth, just like silk in left-right panning. Now I did not buy this tripod recently, I’ve had it for a good 5 years and until now I’ve used it exclusively with my Canon XH-A1.

There are some big differences between video and photo tripods. First, the heaviest and most solid photo tripods are still light compared to video tripods which will resist wind buffeting and vibration far better. Photo tripods also lack smooth fluid heads, proper adjustable arms and often the ever so critical bowl mounted head. Bowl heads allow you to quickly set level so that when you pan left and right the horizon does not shift and go askew.

E-Image EI-7050H 75mm Fluid Head Plus E-Image AT7402B Video Tripod Body with Canon T4i & Rode VideoMic GO

E-Image EI-7050H 75mm Fluid Head Plus E-Image AT7402B Video Tripod Body with Canon T4i & Rode VideoMic GO – Note the tripod is only 2/3rd extended, there is an additional column that can be raised.

Photo tripods can certainly be used for video but they’re best for locked off static shots. The moment you introduce panning of any kind you’ll get jitter and a crooked horizon! Video tripod heads also have far greater weight limits with most starting around 5 kilograms or more. The one disadvantage video tripods have is that they are less flexible than photo tripods. You just can’t twist, turn and bend video heads the same way you can with a good photo tripod head.

For my purposes however, this tripod provides the best of both worlds seamlessly allowing me to shoot video and take still photos when needed.

Manfrotto 323 Quick Change Adapter

Manfrotto 323 quick change adapter connected to the proprietary E-image quick plate.

What was necessary with the E-Image tripod was adapting it to work with all my quick release plates. Basically every camera I have (except the Canon XH-A1) uses the same Manfrotto 200PL plate, whether it be a GoPro, point and shoot or DSLR . Unfortunately the E-Image tripod uses it’s own proprietary plate (which is still a good plate). So I had to drop a Manfrotto 323 Quick Change adapter on top to keep everything compatible.

Manfrotto 200PL

Manfrotto 200PL quick release base plate connected to the base of the T4i

The main advantage turning a DSLR into a video camera brings is the interchangeable lens system. Even the best prosumer cameras are usually fixed lens systems limiting you to operate within those confines. Once you jump into a video system with removable lenses your easily into the 5 digit range for cost and still require lenses.

In my case I’m killing two birds with one stone. I have every full frame lens I could ever need, plus a 5DMKIII which is dedicated for still photos. This frees up my T4i to shoot video with an array of high quality lenses, especially wide angle lenses.

Canon T4i + Rode VideoMic GO

Canon T4i + Rode VideoMic GO with a Sigma 10-20mm lens

This is critical since it gives me flexibility, I can keep the T4i shooting wide while my Canon XH-A1 does all the heavy lifting when it comes to zooming in and getting those tight shots. Plus, all DSLR’s lack what’s called a back-focus. In television, the $30,000 lenses we use on $60,000 cameras need to hold focus when you zoom out (pull out and go wide). This is achieved by a little piece of glass near the rear of the lens that can be adjusted with a thumb screw since the CCD/CMOS sensors in professional camera bodies are not fixed distances. This also saves the shooter/operator from having to rack-to-focus or pull-focus. Most prosumer camcorders have some sort of basic back-focus system or hold focus well when you zoom out but all DSLR’s suck at this! They lose focus on a dime! So the last thing you want to do with a DSLR shooting video is a lot of zooming in and out without a tracking system.

Sigma 10-20mm

Sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens

The last thing I’ve done or added to the camera to make it a great multi-purpose tool is added Magic Lantern (short form ML). If your wondering, Magic Lantern, or ML, is a program that runs on your SD card. While it does not alter your camera, you tell your camera to pretend it is installing new firmware, this causes it to boot up ML and then presto all sorts of neat new tools and recording modes are possible. It basically supercharges your camera and it’s completely reversible/non-destructive.

Here’s a gallery with some more images of the setup you can explore.

April 13th 2014

May 23rd 2011

Where to begin?

We’ll Joplin had been virtually wiped off the map barely 18 hours prior, I was feeling the effects of sleep exhaustion between driving, forecasting, late nights and relatively early mornings.

Today by all accounts was going to be a good chase day with dryline driven storms and a warm front pushing north.

The shear environment was good, not perfect, but very good. The energy values were again off the chart!

With Joplin so fresh on my mind and most chasers retreating west for today’s Oklahoma storms I think another Joplin scenario was hanging over everyone’s heads as a possibility.

There were real concerns that today could be the day Oklahoma City was the target!

Coming Soon

Thanks for visiting, this chase log is still under construction but don’t worry, it’ll be online soon!

Older logs require more effort to migrate so the oldest logs will be the slowest to move over.

June 8th 2008

May 15th 2008

May 5th 2010

May 13th 2008

August 11th 2009

April 8th 2014